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Width Vs Depth In MLM Business- What You Should Know

Writer: infinitemlminfinitemlm

Hope everyone knows about width and depth in MLM business. If not, will tell you in simple words, width comes directly under you and they are personally referred by you but depth, means the personally sponsored members will refer another set of people and it proceeds like a chain to a depth in MLM business.

Different MLM compensation plans follow different width and depth structure. Infinite MLM Software customizes the MLM Plan based on the requirements of width and depth.

Width is sometimes called as front line distributors or first level distributors. With the personally sponsored people, the commission is more when compared to other levels of recruits. It clearly shows that to make more money you need to have good width and to make a profit you need to focus on depth.

It clearly shows that to make more money you need to have good width and to make a profit you need to focus on depth. The commission you receive totally depends on the MLM company and the plan followed by the company. In general, for the personally sponsored distributors, you gain more percentage than lower level distributors in almost all MLM companies.

In this article, we will see the major differences between width and depth in the MLM business.

Width vs Depth in MLM Business

In MLM business, we already know that width means frontline distributors or first level so if you focus more on width term that means if you personally sponsor more people. Say, for example, 500 people. Do you think is it possible to concentrate all 500 people by you. It looks a bit difficult to train them about the product and the company.

Now suppose you have sponsored only 5 people and under each, there are many downlines up to 100 people. Now it looks easy to focus on these 5 people and when these 5 leaders concentrate on their downlines, it gives you a good result in your business.

From the example, you can easily identify that focussing on depth is easier than the width.

As the commission rate is more for the first level it seems like you will get less commission when the width is reduced but the business is stabilized since you can make those 5 people stay committed in the business. Under those 5 people, a big team will there to run the business. Instead of that if u keep sponsoring more people in the first level you will end up with only a few people in the business and it would not have grown depth wise also.

What to do in the beginning?

We have discussed that focussing on depth will make the business stable but at the beginning, should we focus on depth? No. First level recruitment should be a strong base for others to join the team.

So in the beginning, we need to focus on width. Just go through the prospect, give some MLM presentations in a house party or in some hotel to have more interaction with the audience. The audience could be from your family or friends or even some strangers. Here are the Top Tips for MLM Presentations to assist you to improve your MLM and recruiting efforts within the world of direct selling.

In most of the cases, people simply join the business to earn only the discount and they leave the business after some time. We need committed people to stabilize our business.

You should personally sponsor around 300 to 500 people because only a few will stay in the business others may leave. This is a type of filtering. Around 1 out of 50 may stay leave so finally the count will get reduced to 3 to 5 people at the first level.

If you find sincere and committed people, they will take care of the team to promote the business. A sincere person will be committed towards the work with leadership qualities and they have good marketing skills too.

The key to building width

To build width in MLM business, you need to look more into prospecting and create the leads. It’s good to have a lead capture page if you own an MLM website. From

there you can collect the leads of MLM Business. Anyone can make use of Top MLM lead capture page conversion tips to improve their network marketing business.

You should have good communication skills, good presentation skills, and good recruiting skills. When the people join newly to this business, they may not possess these skills in the beginning. Later on, with the help of mentors, you will master in these skills.

Follow these steps to build width in MLM business

1. Clear prospecting

2. Give a good MLM presentation

3. Interact more with people by explaining the product and the company.

4. Make them join the business and find the target customers

5. Select the leads

6. Final closure

Basically, it is to personally sponsor more people and identifying the leads to build width in MLM business.

The key to building depth

To build depth in the MLM business, many leaders followed a process called Taprooting. Taprooting is a process to build your team. To build your team, you need to immediately help your sponsors to sponsor new member under them. Then go and tap your next leg or new sponsor to build their team. This process should be continued until you find a leader in the team.

Follow these steps to build depth in MLM business

1. Personally sponsor a member and make them sign in

2. After they sign in help them to sponsor another downline

3. Go to your next leg or sponsor, help them also the same to build their team

4. Under each leg build the team

5. Identify the leader, the leader will be able to maintain the team upto 50 to 60 levels deep with downlines.

6. With the leaders run your business.

Key points about Width Vs Depth

1. Width provides you a good immediate income and makes you profitable

2. Depth will make the business stable

3. First, need to focus on width to develop the depth

4. You can identify the leaders once the depth level is found under each personal sponsors

5. Many leaders in the MLM business earned with 3 to 5 front line legs.

6. These legs with 60 to 50 levels deep will give a good team

7. Support your leaders and help them to again sponsor many leaders which will make your business stable and secured.


Width Vs depth concepts will give you a clear about how to start MLM business and which term will make you profit and how to stabilize your business.

The ideal count gives you a clear picture to handle your team in the MLM business.

Finally, we conclude that width and depth both are important factors in MLM business and the numbers in width and depth will help you to gain more profit in the business.




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